Daniel Bertossa

Daniel Bertossa is Assistant General Secretary at Public Services Global Union (PSI) where he manages policy, advocacy and governance. He leads PSI's economic policy work in trade, tax, debt and the future of quality public services. Bertossa has worked as an organizer and national officer for unions in Australia and the UK covering local government and municipal workers, health and social services, education and private sector service workers, where he led multiple campaigns for better pay and job security, and against outsourcing and precarious work. He was previously Director of Policy and Strategy at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in the government of South Australia. Prior to that, he was ministerial advisor for Public Sector Management, Local Government and Planning, Aboriginal Affairs and Family and Community Services. Bertossa is currently the co-chair of the steering committee of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation, member of the Global Reporting Initiatives tax Technical Committee, member of the Center for Research on Employment and Work advisory board at the University of Greenwich, and member of the committee of the Center for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research.