David Knight

Dr. David Knight is the co-Director of Education Policy Analytics Lab and the Center for Early Childhood Policy and Equity at the University of Washington College of Education and serves as Associate Professor of Education Finance and Policy. David is a Fellow at the National Education Policy Center and a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Education Finance Academy. David also serves as the PI of a three-year research project funded by the National Science Foundation that explores educator retention and turnover during the COVID-19 pandemic.

His research focuses on the economics of education and school finance. He studies educational systems through the lens of economic theory and methodologies. His work emphasizes distributive justice, racial/ethnic and socioeconomic equity, systematic racial segregation into under-resourced school districts, and policies aimed at reducing inequality and addressing longstanding racial and income-based disparities in educational opportunity. 

David Knight's professional website


Authored Publications

Title Authored on
Does Money Matter in Education? (Third Edition)