Monday | September 14, 2020

Virtual book discussion of "Moving: A Memoir of Education and Social Mobility" with author Andy Hargreaves.
Social mobility—the chance, through education, to achieve greater success than one’s parents—is a compelling issue of our time. Beginning in 1950s northern England, this revealing memoir links Andy Hargreaves’s experiences of social mobility to today’s challenges of inequity and immobility.
• Learn, through the author’s research and frsthand account, how issues surrounding mobility, equity, and education in the 20th century are still refected in 21st century life.
• Understand the obstacles of socially mobile students as they negotiate schoolwork, poverty, cultural collisions, and personal hardship.
• Witness how Hargreaves’s experiences of testing, selection, ADHD, inspiring and uninspiring teaching, whole-child inclusion, and elitist exclusion are still alive and well in education today.
• Study three alternative scenarios for the future of social mobility that highlight the best ways to address both mobility and equity and to deal with the strains experienced by students who succeed in becoming mobile.
Andy Hargreaves is a speaker, author, adviser, and researcher. He advocates for high quality public education, a strong teaching profession and positive educational change across the world. Andy holds a Research Professorship at Boston College, a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Hong Kong University, Visiting Professorships at the University of Ottawa and the University of Stavanger, and an Honorary Professorship at Swansea University. Andy's writing and speaking is based on first-hand research and advisory work around the globe. His 2018 book on Collaborative Professionalism with Michael O’Connor is based on WISE Foundation project that supported our research in 5 countries. Andy's research report on our idea of Leading From the Middle is online and will appear as a book later this year, as will his book with Dennis Shirley, Learn to Be.
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