The Institute supported research for a a two volume book about the American labor movement's support for the Solidarność underground by Polish historian Pawel Zyzak, the author of an award-winning biography of former Polish President Lech Walesa.
This unique collection of online resources, designed to help high school and college teachers illustrate key principles of democratic governance in a “compare and contrast” format that challenges students to think critically across cultural, historical and national contexts, includes several lesson plan ideas for government, history and social studies courses.
This APHA policy brief argues that even the best teachers and schools can't fully compensate for their students' poor health, hunger, fear and distress, violence, bullying or poverty. But comprehensive school-based health centers can be a huge help.
A statement released by the nonpartisan Albert Shanker Institute and signed by dozens of educators, advocates, policymakers, researchers and scholars from across the educational and political spectrum, highlights one largely ignored factor needed to enable American students to achieve to high levels and become internationally competitive—the creation of voluntary model curricula that can be taught in the nation’s classrooms.
The Shanker Institute conceived of and supported the creation of a first-of-its-kind map of labor freedom in the world, by Freedom House and a report entitled: “The Global State of Workers’ Rights: Free Labor in a Hostile World” which examined the conditions in 165 countries.
The study conducted by the Institute in cooperation with the American Labor Studies Center (ALSC) makes the argument that labor history is central to an accu