Al Shanker died, after a long battle with cancer, on February 22, 1997. Al's first Where We Stand column appeared over 25 years ago on December 13, 1970. His final one is taken from an autobiographical essay, "Forty Years in the Profession," which originally appeared in Reflections: Personal Essays by 33 Distinguished Educators (Phi Delta Kappa, 1990). In the essay, Al talks about his lifelong dedication to "gaining collective bargaining rights for teachers and using the collective bargaining process to improve teachers' salaries and working conditions." He also makes it clear that the teacher union movement always had an equally important aim: making schools work better for kids. His tireless efforts, during the past 15 years or so, on behalf of high standards of conduct and achievement and against the fads and follies that threaten to destroy public education were not an "about face" but a logical extension of his trade unionism.

Archived Where We Stand Articles

March Mar18, 1990

A Big Step Backward in California: Honig Seeks Strike Ban

Bill Honig, California's superintendent of public instruction, is one of education's best and brightest. So I was shocked and disappointed to find that he is sponsoring legislation (along with Assemblyman Jack O'Connell) that will ban strikes by teachers and school employees and create a new collective bargaining structure culminating in binding arbitration.


March Mar11, 1990

Shared Decision Making: The Ouestion of Power

What goes around, comes around ... Last week, as I was debating the former school superintendent of one of our largest cities on schools, I suddenly felt as though I had stumbled into a time warp. I was back in the early '60s, in the midst of one of those debates about whether or not teachers and other public employees had the right to engage in collective bargaining and, if they did, what this would do to the balance of power.


March Mar4, 1990

Quality Education for Minorities: A Question of Survival

When people talk about fixing what's wrong with the way we educate America's poor, minority children, they often make it sound like an act of charity, something we really ought to do -- if we can afford it. 


February Feb25, 1990

The Peer Evaluation Program: Trashing a State Treasure?

It often looks as though no good deed goes unpunished. The latest example is the threat facing the
Toledo Federation of Teachers' peer evaluation program.


February Feb3, 1985

The Right -- and Wrong -- Ways to Improve Schools Will We Pick a System That's Failed?

All across the country we're busy trying to improve American education. How? By applying the techniques commonly used by American business management --frequent evaluations to find out who is doing a poor job, career ladders and merit pay to reward the productive worker and easier dismissal for the weak and incompetent. But will it work? 


January Jan13, 1985

Generations Compete for Society's Resources? We Care for Elderly but Not Children

Is there a war between the generations for society's resources? Samuel H. Preston, professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania and director of its Population Studies Center, thinks that children and the elderly are in direct competition for economic support -- and that for the past 20 years the elderly have been winning.


December Dec27, 1970

Violence in the Schools

School violence may not be the most appropriate holiday season topic, but it is hardly avoidable. While parents, teachers and pupils enjoy their winter vacation, Frances Glick, the teacher-victim of an assault at George Washington High School Annex, remains in the hospital. At last report, her head injuries we so severe that she could not recognize her father five days after the assault occurred.


December Dec20, 1970

Options in the Public Schools

The U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity has been pressing for the adoption of a voucher plan. While there are many versions of the voucher plan, the basic idea is to give the children (or their parents) the money which the public schools now spend on their education and permit them to spend that money for education in public, private or parochial schools.
